Lviv, 13/10/2023

Ukraine, Kyiv, October 12, 2023 – Breaking barriers in international business communication, has rolled out an innovative solution that corporations can deploy across their overseas offices. This unique tool empowers non-native English-speaking employees to flawlessly convey their ideas in English. Now, businesses can harness top-tier talents worldwide, even if their English proficiency might traditionally be a limiting factor.

With the rise of global operations, businesses often face challenges in hiring high-level professionals fluent in English, especially in regions where English might not be the first language. levels the playing field. With this tool, companies can expand their hiring criteria, scouting for the best talents irrespective of their language proficiency, thus yielding significant savings in recruitment.

By enabling efficient communication with international partners and clients, has effectively bridged the language divide. The software’s design is intuitive: users simply highlight text, press Ctrl, right-click, and the translation unfolds.

Moreover, for corporations already using a specific set of software or platforms, is a perfect fit. The software’s innate adaptability ensures it integrates effortlessly with existing systems, preventing disruptions to current workflows.

Lastly, for businesses venturing into new markets, understanding and adapting to local language and culture is vital. is the key to unlocking these new horizons, offering quality editing and translation tools to adapt content swiftly, ensuring a smooth transition. is compatible with Windows, and Chrome extensions are on the horizon for 2024. The self-funded team behind is open to potential investors. In a nod to their community-focused vision, they’re granting full free access to non-profit organizations. Regular users have a choice between a subscription model or a free version with limited hourly use.

Embark on the future of barrier-free global communication:

For inquiries or more information, contact:

Denys Nazarenko at